Prof. Wen Wang has been studying origin and evolution of genetic novelties using evolutionary genomics approach. He got bachelor degree from Wuhan University in 1989, received Ph. D from Chinese Academy of Science in 1997, and then did postdoctoral research at the Department of Ecology and Evolution of University of Chicago, first with Prof. Chung-I Wu and then with Prof. Manyuan Long. He became a professor of Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in 2002, and leader of a CAS-Max Planck Society joint junior scientist group. He is now a full professor of School of Ecology and Environment, Northwestern Polytechnical University, and a New Cornerstone Investigator, New Cornerstone Science Laboratory. Recently he and colleagues have made important discoveries in the genetic bases of hypertension tolerance in giraffes, antler regeneration and low cancer rate in deer, and high vitamin D metabolism in the polar reindeer.